Sermons by Series


Biblical truths are not just knowledge and facts to be known – but to be lived out and persevered in, and they protect us and bring growth.

Ezra: Rebuild, Re-envision, Rally

Packed with exciting Biblical history, the books of Ezra display God’s faithfulness through trials, the promise of restoration, and the beauty of revival.

Rediscover Christmas

It’s a time of gift-giving, feasting, family & social gatherings. But how many of us knows the true history & meaning about Christmas?

The Book of Acts

This is the age of the Spirit, the church was about to be born. We too, live in this new age of the spirit, which means we too can access the power of God and we can witness to the world.

Kingdom Culture

In this physical world, man has formed nations, cultures, kingdoms, and empires. The Kingdom of God however, is an unseen, spiritual kingdom that is filled with richness and fullness of life. What is this kingdom like and how is it different than the world’s?

Out of the Depths

The Psalms may very well be the most read, most quoted, most sung, most loved, and most prayed book of the Bible for generations. Ultimately, every psalm engages our minds and our hearts to find our trust in God alone.

Because He Lives

Easter is the most important season in our calendar as a church. Yet often it can pass without time to really reflect on all that it means to us. Listen to this 3-episode series looking at each aspect of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

The Amazing Race

This picture of running a race is a metaphor used again and again in the Bible to develop truths about our life journeys with God. How can we be ready on our race?

The Exodus

The Exodus is about stories of redemption, identity and hope. It is about God’s salvation in a time like this when people are scared and vulnerable. Where in a time when the world needs a redeemer.