What is ADDED?

In one sense, what we know today as ‘church membership’ is not biblical. We have no record of first-century Christians deciding to become involved in one particular assembly of Christians rather than another. From what we can tell, there was no ‘church shopping’ because there was only one church in a community.

We are also told in Acts 2:47 that the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Here we see how people who made a commitment to be disciples of Jesus (Christians) were later added to an already existing community of believers. This community is later called the church. The term ‘church membership’ was later introduced to make sense of that particular act of being added to a community of Christ-followers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I become a member if I am not a believer?

Many unbelievers become part of the City Hill community, enjoyingthe friendship, vibe and teaching whilst they take time to explore the claims and teachings of Christ. Crossing the line of faith is the moment that you become part of “the body of Christ” which is the worldwide church consisting of all believers. This step needs to be taken before crossing the line of membership to the local church. Why not do that now? Or if you need more time, please remain fully part of our City Hill community whilst you consider becoming a Christian.

Can I be part of two churches?

Common sense and experience says “no”. Being a part of more than one church can become complicated and breed a sense of comparison or competition. Some people may attend different churches in the belief they cannot find one that "meets all their needs", however it is important to remember as Christians we should think more about what we can give rather than receive from a church

What if I am moving from another church?

If you're joining City Hill involves leaving another church where you were a member, it is important that you are leaving for good reasons, and that you honour and communicate well with both churches.

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ADDED is a great way for you to discover who we are, what we believe and to further understand our vision and values.

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