Trusting in the Lord

Cityhilldxb   -  

What are you worried about today? What thought is dominant in your mind right now? What do you need to let go and give it to God?

Pause right here. Note it down. Acknowledge it. Make it concrete. Then crumple it and throw it away…in that process, relinquish it to God. Commit your way to God (Psalm 37:4-5) Tell him why it is worrying you and as Elsa would sing….


Wait for Him to respond. He may not respond straight away, or even in the way you would hope or prefer. But as we all know, God has a plan for us. He knows what is best for us. We need to trust in that too. Those of us who like to be in control in any context, will find it harder to let go and let God initially.

Many people say that they give everything to God, that they trust in God for every little thing. But when it is something that deeply affects you, that gets to your core….it is definitely harder to do. Absolutely. It is so easy for the mind to easily switch, to focus on the wrong thing…to simply worry.

And yet… we are called to trust in the Lord with all of our heart (Proverbs 3:5-6). But what does that mean?

It means when money is stressing you out…talk to Him. Pray about it. Trust he will provide. He will.

It means when your health is not what it was and you have no control…don’t just trust the doctors, but trust Him. He will see you through.

It means when you don’t know what to do, stop running around and asking just about anyone around you for advice. Try not to repeatedly talk about your issues to anyone who will listen. But be careful about who you ask advice from. Is it someone in the Kingdom of God? Are they a believer? Are they wise in the word? But most of all, ask the best adviser… GOD!

It means when you are scared, look to Him. He will protect you. (Psalm 56:3)

It does not mean only come to Him when you are worried, but to trust in Him for every element of your life. Big, small, big decisions, little choices…

This is where you have to take your mind and your thoughts captive. Pray. Focus on Him. Listen to Him. Read His Word…the best advice in all of history.

At the beginning of my faith journey, as I feared or worried, my husband would repeatedly say to me “fear is not of God”. It always jolted me from my worry and made me sit up and think…oh so who am I allowing to make me worry? Sobering. Then I would seek Him and try hard to lean on Him even more. (Psalm 9:10).

It is amazing when you fully rely on him, supernatural peace overrides you. The outside world has a chance to witness it. You have a chance to explain why. It has an additional different purpose. But it also demonstrates that you have truly put all your faith and trust in Him. He already has the victory, so what indeed is there to worry about? Also (Isaiah 12:2), the God of angel armies is always by your side (thanks Chris Tomlin!)…if He is fighting for you, you really have nothing to fear (Psalm 33:20).Who better to make your choices? Who better to defend you? No weapon formed by man could ever harm you with God by your side.

So by default, if I worry, for me, it is an indicator that I may have not put all of my faith and trust in Him. It causes me to self-reflect. It causes me to re-evaluate and to delve back in the word.
I am still on my journey, like so many of us…and sometimes, when you think you have your Christian life sorted, you are cruising along happily, you are in charge of your spiritual life…. and then something may knock you off course, you may just hit turbulence.
But, always be humble, always recognise that you are indeed not in charge, that He is. You may not worry about it. But you still need to trust in Him. Not out of duty, but because blessed is he who trusts in the Lord (Jeremiah 17:7).