God Is Good All The Time

Diana Hart   -  

God is good all the time and all the time God is good.. What did I just say? God is good all the time and all the time God is good! Do we really believe that entirely?

I am going to share my testimony. It is difficult, but I will share it as much as possible. More than 16 years ago I was running errands for the family and as I stepped off the curb my back went into spasms. I went to the best Orthopedic Surgeon in town and he made me more depressed. For many months I remained angry with God until one day I just surrendered to his will.

Healing or no healing, I will trust God and serve God regardless.

I stopped even praying for my healing, because I know God would heal me either in this life or afterwards. I know hundreds of people were praying for me, especially my ever-loving husband.

God has not only called the able bodied to serve him.

We are all co-partners in the work of God, no matter what state our bodies are in.

My ‘hero’ – Harold once said to me “ask God to give you the grace to endure the pain”! I was furious. How can he suggest that? Does he have any idea what I am going through? At the time I was battling God and asking him to either take me or heal me. He was right! No matter what we are going through we need God’s grace.

In 2018, I was diagnosed with Parkinsons.

I wholeheartedly accepted God’s will for my life and asked for his grace. After all, are we entitled to all the good things in life and not the unpleasant things? Time went by, my body began deteriorating rapidly, I continued to struggle with crippling pain but I pressed on with every ounce of energy in me. Functioning as a wife, mother and leader’s wife was challenging. We are only accountable to give to God what we have – either materially or physically!

In April we went to India to enjoy our granddaughter Thea. She was so much more than we expected her to be, but I could not be a grandma. I could not carry her, hug her, cuddle her because by this time, I was crippled with pain. I could not do the basic things for myself on a day to day basis, let alone truly enjoy my granddaughter. 

The long and short of it is we decided to go for the surgery.

There was no other option.

The doctor claimed to have done 5000 such surgeries and so on 16th April, 2021 began my ordeal…


I went in with so much confidence, despite knowing the surgery was extremely high-risk.

The first thing I remember from that day was they were trying to wake me up. I refused, but at the back of my mind, I knew something was seriously wrong. During the surgery due to the blood thinners I had been using, I bled out. My kidneys collapsed and I went into Renal failure. I needed dialysis. A 2 hour surgery became 6 hours. Harold is waiting for any information as to what was going on!

To wind up, what was to be 4 days in and out of hospital became 16 days, 9 days of which were in the CCU.

The pain I endured was unbelievable. Death was preferable to what I was going through and I begged Harold to stop praying for me. He was adamant that he would never give up praying for me. I had terrible delusions and was imagining all sorts of things. 9 days later I was moved to my room. God chose his own way to heal me. The doctors and physiotherapists were astounded. And so began my recovery process.

And then on the 22nd of October I was diagnosed with Covid – a major setback in my healing progress.

9th December, after 8 long months in India, I finally traveled back home. My son Isaac came to pick me up as I was not in a state to travel. A week later I ended up in hospital having had a heart attack…

Today the back pain I was crippled with is gone! It is indeed worth celebrating. I can truly say I am alive today aided by the prayers of my beloved church and I want to thank you. Please continue to pray for full recovery.

Do not give up praying. God answers in His own way and time.

I also learned that we take things so much for granted, sometimes. Like the ability to be able to get out of bed, walk, or even use the washroom unassisted.

It is still my desire to serve God wholeheartedly in whatever capacity I can. I have now had 3 or 4 close calls with death, but my goal in life is to be found faithful by God whenever I see him face to face. For Him to welcome me with open arms.