7 Promises to Overcome Insecurity

Julie Joseph   -  

How are you feeling today?

The common, automatic answer is usually a combination of good, fine or perhaps a more ‘Christianese’ response is ‘By God’s Grace I am good’. Of course there is nothing wrong with any of the above responses if they are genuine. But sadly, they can also be an automatic response, even if we are feeling insecure, down or anything else other than ok. Insecurity is the state of mind that I want to talk to you about today; a feeling I have been all too familiar with over the years, as have many of us have, no doubt.

Before I was saved, I regularly felt insecure about my appearance, my weight, my worth (due to an estranged relationship with my father), my grades, my relationships…the list goes on. I quite literally felt unworthy of everything. I waited for things to go wrong or would self-sabotage before things went wrong naturally. I was needy, needing hugs and verbal validation from those around me. I frequently made quite depressing conversation about my insecurities to friends and it truly did dominate my mind throughout the day for most days. 

The only way to feel better was to either be distracted through entertainment, shopping or work. Alternatively, I would seek validation through my peers, my clothes, doing chores for my mum, performing for my dad, being popular, excelling in school….but it was fleeting and meaningless. It did not last.

I did not know it at the time, but it was because I was self-focused and looking for security in all the wrong places. I did not have Christ.

The more I tried to feel secure in the world, the more I felt insecure and delicate. Insecurity is a feeling that can surrender yourself incapacitated, dominating your thought process and diminishing your actions for a period of time. If you succumb to this feeling, as I did for years in my youth before I found Christ, it really can impede your day-to-day functioning on so many levels. As a Christian you can also be affected, preventing you from stepping into what God has called you to be and actioning what He has called you to do. Insecurity keeps you distracted, inactive and inward-focused. It prohibits your ability to fully rely on Him. Insecurity, at the very crux, is another form of worry and fear. 

So, what can you do to help? Well the truth is, YOU can’t. Stop relying on you and/or the world. But He, our heavenly Father, can redeem you and show you your worth, how He sees and loves you. I am sure head-knowledge-wise you understand and accept His gracious gift of salvation and redemptive qualities.

However, sometimes we, as Christians can still fall prey to that niggling thought, undermining your actual worth in Christ. The key is to take your thoughts captive and to renew your mind through scripture, to remember and meditate on the 7 promises of God. To find your worth in Him.

A couple of years ago, I had participated in the Freedom in Christ course. It was really enlightening in terms of helping me to understand my response to previous insecurities. One of the main tools that empowered me and others on the course, was the skill of meditating on and verbally declaring out loud His promises to help me understand my worth. So do it now; grab your bible, say them out loud and chase the doubt, worry and insecurity away.

There is something very powerful in declaring His promises out loud. 

So I encourage you to copy them out, stick them on your fridge or inside your wardrobe door or somewhere else where you will see them daily…and declare them every time an insecurity tries to worm it’s way back in.

Psalm 103:8-12
The LORD is merciful and gracious,
    slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide,
    nor will he keep his anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our
    nor repay us according to our iniquities.   For as high as the heavens are
above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as
far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from

Some other verses I meditate on:
Isaiah 1:18, Acts 10:43, Romans 8:1, Ephesians 1:7-10,  Colossians 1:13-14, 1 John 1:9

Psalm 118:5
Out of my distress I called on the LORD;
    the LORD answered me and set me free.

Some other verses I meditate on:
John 8:36, Romans 6:6-8 2 Corinthians 3:17, Galatians 5:1, Galatians 5:131 Peter 2:16

Romans 12:6-8
Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

Some other verses I meditate on:
1 Corinthians 12,  Ephesians 4:11-13,  James. 1:171 Peter 4:10,

Jeremiah 29:11
  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and
not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Some other verses I meditate on:
Proverbs 16:9John 15:16, Romans 8:28, Ephesians 2:10

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them

Some other verses I meditate on:
Job 33:4Psalm 17:8, Psalm 139:13-15, John 3:161 Corinthians 6:19-20,  2 Corinthians 3:5

Psalm 25:3
Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame;
    they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous.

Some other verses I meditate on:
Psalm 71:5, Proverbs 23:18,,Lamentations 3:25, Romans 5:1-5, 2 Corinthians 3:12, Hebrews 10:23, 1 Peter 1:3-4

Psalms 32:1-2

Some other verses I meditate on:
Psalm 144:15, Galatians 3:8, Ephesians 1:3, Romans 10:12-13

For me, stepping into the light and understanding that my worth does not come from family, friends, work, skills or in worldly possessions like clothes, really liberated me to shake off my insecurities.

Knowing that my worth is found in Jesus, that He found me worthy enough to die on the cross for me is validating enough.

In fact, not enough, but to a level that surpasses everything else. Also recognizing that without Jesus, we are all unworthy put others onto a level playing field for me and I felt less insecure. Literally a weight can be lifted from your shoulders, shackles can be broken and you will feel light. You will wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

Even now, doubt and insecurities try to creep into my mind and I have to remind myself to refer back to the 7 Promises of God in order to keep me outwardly focused on Him and to feel encouraged in His word. But that’s ok, it is a process and every day we are more refined to be what He has called us to be. Just keep moving, keep declaring His promises, keep delving into His word and keep being encouraged.