Philippines Trip 2018

Villie Joe Gorra   -  

Most travel websites shows that August is not the best time to come to the Philippines. It’s true. The
monsoon season is at its strongest during this time. For a tropical country that sits beside the Pacific,
strong rains, rough winds & eventually typhoons are a common occurrence. Flights could get delayed or
even canceled. Thankfully though, there is more than leisure than what we actually came for. And what
we have brought back with us was so much more than what we have or have not expected.

Over 20 people from City Hill & different parts of the world were present in what happened to be an
eventful & fruitful week in the Philippines. It was also a delight to be reunited with friends who were
once part of our church in Dubai. They were very open on the invitation to join us even though some of
them come from different parts of the Philippines.
We were bound to meet our friends at 2 of the Grace City Fellowship churches, one in Quezon City &
one in Bulacan. At the same time, we were also thrilled to meet our new family of 2 churches that were
also in Metro Manila which actually comprises of 16 independent cities. These 2 new churches are in
cities called Caloocan and Taguig. I was overwhelmed thinking of how many faces and names I’d be able
to remember at the end of the trip. I’d like to think that I managed at the end, mostly with the help of

Overall, the trip felt like the start of something big that would eventually happen in the future on this
part of the world. It’ll be a rising movement for gospel advancement.

After almost 3 hours of driving from the airport in Manila, our first stop was to a place called Batangas, a
province of about 100+ kilometers from the bustling capital. Driving along the scenic view of green hills
& grasslands provided ease & comfort to our tired eyes & bodies from our recent flights. At Batangas,
we’ve had the privilege of being part of a wedding of a couple who are friends at City Hill. The official
ceremony was held at an outdoor garden and it was a bright clear day despite the rain forecasts. It was a
beautiful wedding, a union which reflected the next few days to come.

After the wedding in Batangas, our team led by Fusi Mokoena, held a 3-day leadership training for our
family churches in Quezon City, Bulacan & Caloocan. The ever passionate & gifted worship teams led us
to an incredible time of worship every time. Fusi & the City Hill team took the reins in the teaching
sessions and group discussions. Each of the sessions was deeply rooted to the Word. It was so insightful
on how it helped us to look deep down on issues concerning the church, especially on the context of the
country that we were in. Every session made me thought deeply on the problems of our own society
and culture & how these could restrain us to love & serve God and our neighbors. It was so stirring and
challenging for both the team & the churches. The response was overwhelming at the end. It was
evident to see more leaders raised up & the body edified for kingdom advancement.

After the leadership training, we headed down to Taguig City on a Sunday morning for a huge joint
gathering of the 4 churches. What a union it was in celebrating as one body. While the strong cool winds
raged outside, we were greeted with the people’s warm smiles & embraces inside. As the constant rain

poured, the spirit had an outpouring in the moments of our worship. Almost 300 people filled up the
congregation, comprised of both the young and the old, singles & families, all sons & daughters. After
the meeting & prayer time, we we’re huddled for what felt like almost an hour of picture taking filled
with laughter & friendly banter.

We were met with such amazing hospitality. It is such an extraordinary gift that people can bless other people with. Our new friends have shown us the kind of hospitality where there is heart. Where it doesn’t have to be grand every time, but something that can be represented as simple as handing us a house key that says, “This is our life, our home and what we have. You are very welcome.” God’s heart is there.

Don’t get me started with Filipino food, this might go longer than planned. It’ll be enough to say that our
bellies were full just as our hearts were continually filled with joy & God’s presence during our
fellowship with our new extended family. I met a lot of people who serve the Lord in many different
ways. Some people had put up businesses that provided jobs & supported the church in building. We
heard stories of resiliency & sacrifice among the people. The generosity & openness that they have is
incredibly inspiring.

Prior to the days of the trip, I could’ve just gone somewhere else & did all sorts of things I wanted. I was
born & raised in the Philippines. I have spent most of my whole life there anyway & it would be the last
place I’d think about going for this kind of trip. But it is only God who’s able to change my heart. There is
more to His will than I know.

The world appears to be smaller & more connected than ever before. It has become so easy to travel
almost anywhere. God could be calling you to go to the world & join hands in the work for His kingdom.
It can be your very own country that you know most.

Wherever the destination is, what matters is how we carry His light. There is just something profound in
knowing that there is more than just going for yourself or for sightseeing. On trips like this, God is able
to reveal new things to you by meeting people and engaging in their lives. By His spirit, He will use you &
truly make you capable in carrying His purposes towards the nations. You will see that everything is for
His glory & kingdom. We belong to Him alone and this world is His.