Food for Thought: Feeding Men Spiritually

Mike Castle   -  

This summer saw the launch of our men’s Citigroup ‘Food for Thought’. Meeting on a Saturday morning over breakfast, they’ve been gathering around God’s word, spending time in worship and enjoying this opportunity to fellowship together as men.

We asked Mike who leads the group to share a bit about what they’ve been doing so far over the last few weeks.

What is ‘Food for Thought’?

At the moment, we are studying a fantastic book called ‘King’s Cross’ by Timothy Keller. Twice a month on a Saturday morning we get together as a group of men and share what we have learned from that chapter in addition to some great worship and a tasty breakfast. It has been such a fruitful few weeks for us all so far and as we continue we would like to invite all the men to get involved.

Who is this group for?

Every man in the church! Whether you’ve been a City Hill member for some time or are new to the church everyone is welcome. This is a great way to build relationships as we share our lives with one another, celebrating good times and supporting one another through the challenging ones.

Why do you meet together as men?

This group is a wonderful opportunity for us all to grow, learn and gain new understanding and skills. There’s opportunity for different people to lead each week and share their gifts with each other, not to mention having great fun and getting to know one another better!

More importantly, fellowship, encouraging and growing together as men in the Church is vital. I think 1 Thessalonians 5:11 describes best the group’s ethos, “Therefore encourage one another, and build one another up, just as you are doing”.

How have the meetings helped you so far?

I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to get to know and learn from all the fantastic men we have here at City Hill! Furthermore, over the past few weeks I have been really encouraged to get into God’s word on a daily basis, learn, grow and gain more confidence. I’m sure others in the group feel the same, and I am really excited for the journey that God is going to take us all on over the following months and years, as we continue this series and many more!

If you’d like to attend, or to find out more information about where the next meeting will be held, please complete the jotfom in the link below or speak to a member at our info desk on Friday.